- install yarn
- initialize a project using yarn
- add dependencies
- setup a decent tsconfig
desription of yarn
Create an initial package.json, the project configuration file:
$ yarn init
Install initial dependencies (-D flag is a development dependency):
$ yarn add @types/node typescript
$ yarn add -D ts-node
Create tsconfig.json, required for tsc and ts-node, to compile TypeScript to JavaScript:
$ yarn tsc --init --rootDir src --outDir ./bin --esModuleInterop --lib ES2019 --module commonjs --noImplicitAny true
Create your first source file in src folder:
$ mkdir src
$ echo “console.log(‘Hello World\!\!\!’)” > src/app.ts
Build the project:
$ yarn tsc
tsc, TypeScript to JavaScript compiler, is located in ./node_modules/.bin/tsc. yarn resolves the path and run it with node. The command above compiles our TypeScript to JavaScript with an ouput to ./bin folder. Now, you can run the output JavaScript file, ./bin/app.js, with node:
$ node ./bin/app.js
For development purposes, ts-node is used, to run code without a compilation. ts-node will compile it on fly:
$ yarn ts-node ./src/app.ts
As with tsc, we run ts-node with yarn to resolve it location.
If you really want to set it up properly, you also add nodemon for hot-reloading of the code changes
$ nodemon --watch "src/**" --ext "ts,json" --ignore "src/**/*.spec.ts" --exec "ts-node src/index.ts"